the book

Thin Ice


After dismantling a crime circle in her hometown, mermaid Glacia Andraste’s investigative and combat skills are in high demand. In a matriarchal Merworld where secrecy and self-defense are trained from birth, that’s no minor feat.

When Glacia is tricked into accepting a phony job interview, she’s captured by a human scientist. Destiny draws Glacia and her estranged romantic partner, human Tucker Denet, into a tangled web of corruption and lies. Together, they discover a sinister plot that could change the balance of the Merworld for generations. If Glacia doesn’t bring the villains to justice, countless mercreatures will meet a grim fate…

Can Glacia and Tucker patch their broken trust? Will they put an end to the crime circle once and for all? Or will Glacia let new secrets and her desire for justice consume her?

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What’s New in the Merworld?

Insider info and juicy details about soon-to-launch novel, Thin Ice!

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